Saturday 27 May 2023

Honoring Veterans with a Tough Workout: Your Guide to the CrossFit ‘Murph Challenge’

Honoring Veterans with a Tough Workout: Your Guide to the CrossFit 'Murph Challenge'

Honoring Veterans with a Tough Workout: Your Guide to the CrossFit ‘Murph Challenge’

Every year on Memorial Day, CrossFit gyms across the country honor fallen soldiers by completing a grueling workout called the ‘Murph Challenge.’ The workout is named after Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005. It’s a way for the CrossFit community to pay their respects to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

The Workout

The ‘Murph Challenge’ is a variation of the classic CrossFit workout ‘Murph.’ Here’s how it works:

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 air squats
  • 1 mile run

For the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats, you can break them up however you’d like. Some people do sets of 5 or 10, while others do larger sets with more rest in between. The goal is to complete all 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats as quickly as possible.

Tips for Completing the ‘Murph Challenge’

If you’re planning on doing the ‘Murph Challenge’ this Memorial Day, here are some tips to help you prepare:

1. Start Training Early

The ‘Murph Challenge’ is not an easy workout, even for experienced CrossFitters. That’s why it’s important to start training early. You’ll want to build up your endurance for the two mile runs, as well as your strength for the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats.

2. Break Up the Reps

Don’t try to do all 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats in one go. Instead, break them up into smaller sets with rest in between. For example, you could do 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats.

3. Pace Yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the ‘Murph Challenge’ and go all-out from the start. But that’s a recipe for disaster. Pace yourself during the workout so you don’t burn out too quickly. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

4. Hydrate and Fuel Properly

Make sure you’re properly hydrated and fueled before the workout. Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the ‘Murph Challenge,’ and eat a meal that’s high in carbs and protein a few hours beforehand.

Scaling the ‘Murph Challenge’

If you’re new to CrossFit or don’t feel comfortable doing the full ‘Murph Challenge,’ there are ways to scale the workout:

1. Half ‘Murph’

If you’re not ready for the full ‘Murph Challenge,’ you can do a half ‘Murph’ instead. That means running half a mile at the beginning and end of the workout, and doing 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, and 150 air squats instead of 100/200/300.

2. Partner ‘Murph’

You can also do the ‘Murph Challenge’ with a partner. One person runs while the other person does pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats, and then you switch. This allows you to split up the reps and rest in between.

3. Modified Movements

If you’re not able to do pull-ups or push-ups, you can modify the movements. For example, you could do ring rows instead of pull-ups, or knee push-ups instead of regular push-ups.

Why Do the ‘Murph Challenge’?

The ‘Murph Challenge’ is a way to honor the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It’s a reminder that freedom isn’t free, and that there are people who have given their lives to protect it. By completing the ‘Murph Challenge,’ we show our respect and gratitude for these brave individuals.

But it’s also a way to challenge ourselves physically and mentally. The ‘Murph Challenge’ is a tough workout, and completing it requires mental toughness and physical endurance. By pushing ourselves to complete the workout, we become stronger and more resilient.

Final Thoughts

The ‘Murph Challenge’ is not for the faint of heart. But if you’re up for the challenge, it’s a great way to honor our veterans and push yourself to new heights. Just remember to start training early, pace yourself during the workout, and hydrate and fuel properly beforehand. And most importantly, remember why you’re doing it: to honor the men and women who have given everything for our country.

The post Honoring Veterans with a Tough Workout: Your Guide to the CrossFit ‘Murph Challenge’ appeared first on GamingEon.


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